Collected by Veli-Jussi Jalkanen from known, public and seemingly reliable sources. This list, as powerful as it is, is meant to be an information and hint collection. Now that there are so many kinds of cases with variable circumstances the writer does not take any responsibility from any of these methods or the illness of anybody.


Nowadays more than one 1/3 of us is going to get cancer and 45 – 50 % of the cancer patients shall die of it, according to existing late statistics and trends. The healing percentage has not really improved since the last 50 years despite of opposite manipulative information spread by the Big Pharma. The cancer survivor information is confused, because after every 5 years surviving with the cancer, the person is statistically consider as “healed”. There are about 8 thousand of them now in Finland, and the number is rising.  According to official statistics 13.000 people die of cancer annually and 34.000 is reported to get one. In reality about 26.000 get new cancers and about 8000 cancers are just over 5 years “old”.

BUT…Cancers can be prevented and even healed with CAM (complementary and alternative = functional) medicine.  This science is known, proven, and tested.
MD Alex Gerson healed in the 1950´s staggering over 50 % of stage 4 cancer patients, whereas the results of “school” medicine stay well less than 10 % in that category. We know his therapy (“GERSON METHOD”) and now also new healing remedies that can be used simultaneously.

Cancer is a environmentally based degenerative illness, and the tumor is a symptom. Different cancers result from different factors even if there are surely also common influencers too.
In each cancer case it is important to understand the originating metabolism root causes dealing with that particular cancer case.

In human body the immune system plays a crucial role in resisting and healing from cancer.
Many new cancer medicines raise the strength of the immune system, but the same effects, even more active and stronger, can be achieved with natural methods and own actions. Preventing and healing cancer requires healthy, strong, and active immune system, which can be improved with various methods.
Pls read also Vessis´s article, “Better Immunity for Health”.

Good immunity also seeks and destroys our own faulty cells, which may cause cancer if any of them should survive for reproduction. Well-functioning immune system requires also well-functioning micro circulation, which is maintained with good ergonomics, loose clothing, healthy and flexible micro vessels, and frequent physical activity.

We also need to understand and know that any inflammation, hidden or known in any organ or tissue, is burdening our immune system, and thus weakening the capacity of the immune cells to kill the cancer cells. That is why it`s super important to minimize inflammations.

Conventional school medicine cancer treatments do not go to the root causes of the cancer. But they may be long lasting, weakening, expensive, stressing and they do not usually kill the cancer stem cells. The body is weakened by the weakening chemo- and radiation treatments. Chemotherapy chemicals are carcinogens (=cancer promoting) themselves. Mammography increases cancer risk itself because of radiation.
Often cancer seems to disappear for a while after traditional treatments. Then it comes back with changed genetics and is much more resistant to cytostatic medicines than before. Many patients die in this “second wave”. Patient using this program below, has much better change to prevent cancer from coming back after the “first wave”.

The pharmaceutical industry has protected its most profitable source of income very well. In many countries (all EU included) it is forbidden for an MD to treat a cancer patient with any other means than radiation, chemotherapy (and some other medicine) and surgery.
Grown up individuals can, however, eat whatever food and take whatever natural remedies they want.

With this list of lifestyles-, preventive measures and remedies, which has been collected from many sources, if followed carefully, it´s very possible to prevent and even heal cancer successfully.

Maybe the most challenging thing is to understand the biology of cancer and the remedies at least roughly, change old habits and beliefs and start the healing process despite of the resistance and warnings of the doctors and school medical world, which want you to follow their protocol, only.

The following measures do not harm you in any case and can be used simultaneously with the drugs. Many patients choose not even to tell their doctors what they do to save themselves from critics.


  • Eliminate all nutrition and fiber deficiencies in your body with clean genuine foods, preferably organic, especially high nutrition content foods (super foods) and carefully planned supplements and with selected supplements vit. D being the most important.
  • Make sure your sleeping habits are good. Sleeping less than 6 h/ night regularly increases your cancer risk tremendously.
  • Eliminate home toxic chemicals (household-/food-/amalgam-/antiperspirants/pesticides, fungicides /herbicides etc.) to your body.
  • Eliminate known carcinogens (tobacco, alcohol, many industrial chemicals etc., see the Gerson cancer therapies book)
  • Eliminate poor or toxic foods like white sugar, HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), white flower, all processed foods, normal industrial sea salt, cheap hot processed vegetable oils, industrial preservatives etc. other food chemicals like MSG (mono sodium glutamate).
  • Do not eat much root vegetables potatoes incl., for they are fast carbohydrates and will raise the blood sugar level.
  • Eliminate alcohol, narcotics, and all drugs, except quite necessary ones.
  • Eliminate most animal-based foods from your diet. Become a smart vegan to minimize the sources of inflammation. Processed meat products are among the worst.
  • Keep out diabetes (morning fasting value 6 or more) or even pre-diabetes (5-6), but keep it safely under 5.
  • Eliminate tight clothes. They cause disturbance to your skin/soft tissue circulation. Do not use bra regularly. Pressure mixes up the circulation and metabolism in the breast. Sleep nude. Lymphatic liquid is 12-15 liters and blood 4-5 liters. Only artery circulation (1-2 liters) is pumped by the heart. All other liquids move because of the body movements and pressure changes in the soft tissues. Any even slightly tight clothes or muscles tensions stop or disturb the important liquid circulation and oxidization of the tissues. Red lines on the skin from the underwear/socks, shoes, belts, bra etc. are typically revealing the problem.
  • Vitamin K, resveratrol, carotenoids (carrots) and lycopene (in tomatoes) are very beneficial to deal with the prostate risk.
  • Test and eliminate harmful earth radiation from your sleeping and work desk sites. A “well watcher” can measure this.
  • Minimize the EMF (electromagnetic fiends) as much as possible (smartphone, WLAN, microwave). Radiation from wireless devices has been connected to several types of cancer like colon-, intestine-, heart- and brain cancers. Work cable connected if possible and keep the mobile, as routine, 2-4 m off from the body. Answer the phone calls with blue tooth and handle your phone only as little as possible. For SOME and internet browsing have a table computer workstation with good overall ergonomics. The worst is to keep the mobile on skin contact or continuously in your jacket pocket. That increases colon cancer. You can also degrease the radiation by switching off the internet (Data) service from your phone.
  • Refuse from night work. It mixes up your melatonin metabolism which harmful for your cancer resistance, makes you put on weight and increases your blood sugar levels.
  • Avoid asparagine (one common amino acid) rich foods strictly like asparagus, as well as poultry, seafood and many other foods. Google complete this list.
  • Stop eating the amino acids of serine and glycine, proven to develop lymphoma and intestinal cancers.
  • Keep your inflammation low. Especially avoid gum inflammation. Bacteria from the gums spread all over the body causing inflammation and endangering health, also in the brain (dementia, Alzheimer). Brush your teeth 2 times a day with an e-brush slowly, eat max 5 times a day with snacks included, clean the gabs between the teeth after every meal, flush you mouth with water after meal lastly and use xylitol products to eliminate harmful mouth microbes. Have your tooth stone removed every two years. Also extra fat, female genitals, arthritic joints often have inflammation that weakens you immune system, which is your main force against the potential cancer cells.
  • Leave off red meat for insulin- like growth factor IGF-1 which provokes your cancer cells to grow. Eggs are better. Use plant-based protein mainly.
  • Degrease your stress (and stress hormones) to easily tolerable level by having sauna (real health booster), massage, humor, sex, social connections, music, dance, exercise, yoga, stretching etc.
  • Do not harm your microbiome (gut microbe population). Poor microbiome is known to be a risk factor.
  • L-asparaginase is a drug that inhibits the asparagine (from asparagus etc,) effect in the cell and thus is a cancer risk.
  1. SUBSTANCES TO AVOID IF YOU ALREADY HAVE CANCER Do all the measures in the previous list plus on top of them:
  • Avoid all added sugars (cancer thrives with sugar) or foods rich in natural sugar too (sweat fruit and berries in abundance)
  • Do not use alcohol because also alcohol is a fast carbohydrate which helps the cancer to thrive
  • Do not eat certain antioxidants as supplement (vit. E and folic acid, but instead eat green plants with folate in them)
  • Opioid pain killers cause metastasis (spreading of cancer). Many cancer specialists do not know this.
  • Radiation from different sources, including EMF (electromagnetic fields)
  • Avoid exposure to chemicals and industrial molecules (plastics, farming and cleaning chemicals, cosmetics etc.)


  • Eat vitamin D3 Vitamin D level in the blood should be 150 – 250 nmol/l to heal cancer. Prevention min. level is 120 nmol. Roughly 1 supplement mcg of vit. D raises the value 1 nmol/l. This a individual. Minimum healthy supplementation for an adult outside sun bathing times is 100 mcg/day. In children this is in relation to the body weight.
  • Keep other antioxidant nutrients on good level intake like: vitamin (E 50 100 mg), vitamin C (1 -12 g), Se (200 – 300 mcg), Zn (25 mg), Cu (2-3 mg), Mg (600 mg), strong multivitamin B.
  • Enforce and strengthen your immune defense system whatever way you can. See the detailed article about that.
  • Move 1-3 hours every day in a peaceful and refreshing way (with the pulse 180 – your age) rather in several periods every day. Most preferably outdoor activities in the forest if you can (forest microbe influence in the air is healthy). The best thing is to optimize the micro circulation and waste removing and nutrient transporting functions is to move 3 times a day, in the morning, noon and evening. Also have exercises to maintain or build muscle power, coordination, flexibility, and endurance. HIIT (high intensity interwall training) and power training reduce the mortality to cancers tens of percent.
  • Sleep good long nights starting about 22.00 in fresh air all night, no clothes, no EMF fields or earth radiation either.
  • Use sauna regularly and choose the best sauna available: wood heated, cooling swim place, good porch to relax after swim/ dip, good ventilation, do not wear pressing (blocking micro circulation), sweaty and uncomfortable clothes. Take 3 heat sessions to your tolerance limit with 3 cooling down to follow with no hurry.
  • Get yourself very good intestine microbe flora (microbiome). and healthy gut. Eat lots of fiber (50 g / 1000 kcal) and as many as possible of the known fiber kinds and probiotics: (for example VSL3 = Vivomix) natural organic yoghurt, sour grout, natto (= fermented Japanese soy food), sour grout and other fermented vegetables. When boosting gut microbiome, you also boost immune system that kills cancer cells (T cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes = 2 type of immune cells made in the gut that kill cancer cells). Probiotics are especially effective in colorectal cancers.  In the preferred 2 evacuations the amount of stool should be totally 700 – 1200 g a day.
  • Learn deep and relaxed nose breathing which is rhythm based with your body movements. Oxygen is important for oxidation and Ph. in the body. Exercise, stretch and get massage to have your muscle tension removed from your upper body that prevent free chest movements. Nose breathing increase nitric oxide which is good for vessels and tissues.
  • Start using a saddle chair with divided seat in all your sitting because better posture allows deeper breathing and higher oxygen level in the body. Men should lift trousers before you sit down to make the trousers loose under the pelvic especially if you have an increased prostate size (normal healthy size is 10-12 g), prostate cancer or elevated (more than 1) PSA (prostate specific antigen) values. With the use of an e-table (electronically height adjustable table) with elbow supports and loose clothes (without any tight/circulation stopping parts) maintain high level of oxygen intake, circulation (also in the genitals and inside the pelvic), lymphatic circulation and good overall metabolism.
  • Watch TV on your back if you have prostate issue (then you do not put pressure on the pelvic floor where it spreads into the pelvic and prostate area) or slowly exercise or stretch while watching. Limit passive TV time to minimum,
  • Learn the Gerson therapy method in acute cancer cases, (org). This method can be studied in books.
  • Clean up your body from heavy metals by first testing them (from neck hair). Use selenium 200- 300 mcg (etc.) for cleanup.
  • Lose weight permanently to be normal in your body mass index. Excessive body fat causes inflammation which is a risk factor for cancer. Weight loss is best to do with Low Carbohydrate
  • Start living mainly on raw plant-based diet, which is keeping your blood sugar steady, inflammations in the body degrease, body weight becomes normal, and has positive and healthy hormonal impacts as well. There you eat only 30 – 50 g of starch – based carbohydrates a day (compared to general weight gaining 200 – 400 g). Buy yourself a blood sugar meter to see what meals cause glucose peaks in your blood (which also cause weight gain) and reformulate your meals. Study more how to apply the LHH (low carbohydrate) diet.
  • Balance your blood fats (eliminate important source of quiet inflammation) so that your omega 6 fat acid
    value / omega 3 fat acid ratio is max 3. If the ratio is higher, degrease omega- 6 fat and increase omega 3 intake.
  • Eat 2-4 dl of organic unsweetened yogurt (+ any fermented foods) daily to strengthen your gut health, which is the main source for immune cells.
  • Balance homocysteine value (harmful protein) to be under 7. B6 (6 mcg), B12 (1 mg) and folic acid (800 mcg) help in this.
  • Sunbathe moderately but do not burn your skin. Do not use sun oils. Rather put the clothes on when the skin has got enough. Sunbathe only every other day. Then your skin can absorb and balance after the sunbathing the best way.
  • Train you muscle with the goal of good muscle mass to improve the inner metabolic impact that muscles have for your metabolism.
  • You may revive your liver and other internal organs by acupuncture (also self – acupuncture with electricity), homeopathic medicines and reflexology.
  • Take soft whole-body massage, which stimulates co called CT nerve cells, increase number of immune cells a great deal, even multiply their numbers. Regular habit of home or professional massage is beneficial in this respect. Tender touching, hugging etc. has somewhat similar effect. Massage must however bee pleasant and soft, not too deep or painful to cause this effect. The increased production of “good feeling hormones” (oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, dopamine) is essential in getting the effect in immunity in massage.
  • Use red therapy light, which is quite recently shown to cause apoptosis (cancer cell death). There is spot or red light panels to be sold up to whole body both sided light bed. Red light therapy is proven to heal also other tissue problems.



  • Make your body more alkaline with berries, fruits, and vegetables. Make over 70 % of the weight of your food from fresh vegetation food. Prefer cruciferous vegetables. Eat all clean, fresh, and unheated plants (fruit, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds, mushrooms) min. 1 kg / day.
  • Vitamin C is reported to kill cancer cells (ascorbic acid) in large dozes IV (inter venous = into the vein) (up to 200.000 mg)/day selectively and safely. A good way is to take 1 2 g 3 times a day vit. C. This way one can keep the benefits of C high round the clock.
  • Eat /drink several times a day green vegetable juice in acute stage of cancer to balance the potassium/sodium balance (see. Dr.Gerson). You can get all the healthy biomaterials from the plants when you juice them with the fibre (select potassium rich plants) with a strong juicer. Our digestive liquids cannot digest many of the vegetable cells and so we miss much of them only by chewing.
  • Use only LCD (Low CarboHydrate diet) or ketogenic diet with lots of healthy fats, high fiber and very low of starchy carbs including max 30 g of bread etc.
  • Use regularly numerous natural anti-cancer medical plants what you can get known to heal cancers: extracts from Baikal herb (Scutellia baicalensis); Barbed skullcap = Sculatellia barbata; Mangosteen (Carcinia mangostana); Graviola = Soursop (Annona Muricata); Alanda (Espedra alata), Frankincense (Boswellia Sacra, B carteruii, B frereana, B serrata, B dbhaw-dajiana); Mistletoe, misteli (Viscum album, V cruciatum, trade name Helixor in Germany); Medical (non THC) Cannabis (Cannabis sativa); Berberin ( Berberis vulgaris, B aristata); Chinese superflower (Dendrobium Nobile);  Roseroot (Rhodiola Rosea); Cats Claw herb (Uncaria tomentosa); Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus, Talvio in fin); Saffron (Crocus sativus), Olive leave oil/extract; Chaga, Pakurikääpä (Inonotus omnibus); Reishi, Lakkakääpä, (Ganoderma lucidum); Turkey tail, Silkkivyökääpä (Trametes versicolor), Ashwagandha Rohtokoisio (Withania somnifera,).
  1. SPICES AND HERBS (26 pc) WITH ANTI – CANCER QUALITIES (see the special health spice file):
    Mistletoe, turmeric (curcumin), curry, fennel, ginger, cinnamon, cappers, cardamom, cress, caraway, savory, bay leaf, clove, nutmeg, olive, capsicum, perils, tarragon, rosemary, saffron, sage, celery, mustard, garlic, lemon grass, wasabi, citrus grass.
  • Eat wild berries with proven wild northern anti-cancer properties 2-4 dl a day. See the separate list.
  • Eat anti-cancer spices in your diet. See separate list of anticancer spices.
  • Use fresh broccoli sprouts in your diet (about 150 g/day, the more the better) every day in salad or blended in smoothie. Add freshy ground mustard seed on the broccoli. This can enforce sulforaphane antioxidant power up to 4-fold.
  • Drink herbal tea (with anti-cancer herbs in it) along the day several cups. It also keeps kidneys in order.
  • Walnut has been found to degrease new colon cancers dramatically. It has good impacts also on other cancers.
  • Increase fiber and other prebiotics in your diet so that you need to evacuate min. 2 – 3 times a day and the stool needs to be light brown and soft. One of the best to get this is to increase healthy berries in your diet by making a daily a fresh smoothie preferably with soaked seeds (linen, hemp, Shia etc.) and preferably some berries or with the absence of those, fruit. This combination truly speeds up the flow in the intestine which abolishes the toxins (detoxification) and inflammation from the colon.
  • Get yourself an enema (self-done or assisted = rectum/colon short wash) preferably with coffee or green juice or water)
  1. Lots of people who have been cured from cancer by God after prayer.


BERRIES WITH KNOWN ANTI CANCER QUALITIES (see the anti-carcinogen berry file)
Studies on berries have reviled more and more pro-health and anti-cancer qualities. Berries picked from the nature contain 10-20 times more antioxidants and other health related organic substances than fruit but lack the heavy chemical load.
The following berries have been proven to have anti-cancer (healing – preventing) qualities.

  • Aronia melanocarpa, Black chokeberry: Colon cancer
  • Vaccinium microcarpum, Cranberry: Colon cancer, Causes apoptosis (= self-destruction of cancer cells)
  • Rubus chamaemorus, Cloudberry: Colon cancer
  • Prunus domesticus, Plum / prune: Colon cancer, Prevents tumors in general
  • Fragaria ananassa, Strawberry: Breast, uterus, throat cancer, Numerous anti-cancer qualities
  • Vaccinium myrtillus, Blueberry: Cancers in general,Apoptosis
  • Vaccinium vitis-idea, Lingonberry: Apoptosis, Hormonal based cancers
  • Rosa vulgaris, Rose berries: Anti-carcinogenetic
  • Amelanchier alnifolia, Saskatoon (service berry, juneberry, Indian berry): Anti-carcinogenetic (and very healthy) in general (like blueberry)
  • Hippophae rhamnoides, Sea- buckthorn: Seed oil is anti-carsinogenetic in general, Strong antioxidant in general
  • Rubus ideaus, Raspberry (and other plants in that family): Apoptosis, Prostate and colon cancer
  • Vitis vinifera, Grapes: Strong anticancer, apoptosis, Chest, colon and throat cancer especially
  • Locera caerulea, Honeyberry or Blueberry – honeysuckle or Sweet berry honeysuckle: Very high polyphenol mainly anthocyanin etc. content. Even more than in bilberry = northern wild blueberry, because of its high antioxidant properties, good against most cancers