Sitting on a two-part swinging saddle chair – the best solution for school ergonomics

The poor sitting of schoolchildren increases and causes permanent ailments, i.e. sitting disorders (SD). The reasons are:

– Excessive and increased sitting in poor position, especially when using digital devices
– Little physical activity
– The current poorly designed, wrong-sized furniture
– Weak muscles, and bones that are still developing

According to studies, over half of Europeans aged 15 have permanent harmful changes in their spine. The sitting health of young people is still deteriorating, which is also manifested by various ailments and deteriorating postures. Young people also have more and more problems requiring physiotherapy. Of course, game and internet addicts have a higher-than-average incidence of ailments.

Some of the recently found disadvantages of poor sitting:

a) The slowing down of intestinal flow (pressure to the intestine and muscular passivity) and the consequent increase in inflammation (acne) and weakening of the immune response (illness). If poor sitting continues till the working age this phenomenon even affects memory from middle age on.
b) Sitting in a poor positions causes shallow breathing and thus lower oxygen level in the brain.
c) The productivity of those who sit a lot decreases, and musculoskeletal problems and their treatment wait in the future.

 Sitting on Salli is active, upright and balanced, and it keeps you alert and creative. The correct height of the chair places the feet below the hips, so that the shoulder, hip and heel are on the same line when looked from the side.

Who would not remember the discomfort of sitting at school and the constant shifting of positions from one uncomfortable position to another. Unfortunately, the foundation for many back problems of today  was laid already at school.

Change is possible and healthy furniture already exists

We can hardly influence the amount of sitting, but adults can have a decisive influence on the quality of sitting of young people and reduce its disadvantages with sensible furniture.

Salli Systems has developed a low-cost, quickly adjustable desk and a two-part saddle chair to go with it; both are based on riding-like sitting.

Salli School Desk:
Affordable Student Chair, Salli Slim Basic:
Two-part saddle chairs:
Salli in school environment:

On Salli you sit higher than on an ordinary chair, which works well in front of a class or group, because the position resembles standing.

The important middle gap of the seat removes uncomfortable and unhealthy pressure from the genital area, pelvic floor and pelvic bowl, makes it easy to find a good posture, and prevents sweating. According to many school experiences and studies, riding-like sitting has a powerful corrective effect on one’s posture, spinal health and even concentration (Koskelo 2006).

Benefits of riding-like sitting, summarized according to research and basic physiological knowledge

The two-part well-designed saddle chair and quickly adjustable desk effectively improve sitting health.

– The posture gets better and the back muscles and ligaments strengthen
– You stay alert – the upright posture improves oxygenation and fluid circulation throughout the body
– Back and shoulder pains usually stop

From all this logically follows

– Sitting is more comfortable
– The restlessness is reduced
– Improved learning outcomes (as documented in Koskelo’s doctoral dissertation)
– The child’s desk is on a healthier level for the teacher and his/her back
– Future morbidity will decrease and overall sitting health mprove.


The teacher also benefits from the saddle chair

For the teacher, a saddle chair as a work chair means healthier back and legs, great freedom of moving and reaching, and helping the smaller children in a healthy way, while sitting on the chair. The disadvantage is the higher price of the furniture. On the other hand, the slightly higher cost is only a fraction of the benefits and savings that society, the individuals and their future employers will get. Continuing the old-fashioned and problematic sitting culture in schools is irrational when a new healthier, more comfortable and workable solution is available.

Useful links

Animations about Salli’s health effects:
Why choose Salli: