Men´s pelvic, hormonal, genital, and internal pelvic health is declining fast worldwide. There are severe environmental and lifestyle changes that are causing this. The declines are seen in areas that concern reproductive, sexual, internal organ, body composite, glucose, action energy, body lipid, and mental health. All these harmful effects and degenerations can be largely avoided by optimizing sitting ergonomics, as well as exercise/moving, clothing, nutrition, smoking, drinking, resting and medicating habits, and avoiding certain toxins and harmful chemicals.
Below is a list of actions how one can maintain pelvic health and healthy manhood.
The decline in live semen quantity is about 60 % in European men during the last 40 years. Poor genital health seems to have become a major and worsening epidemic around the world. The sperm count drops 1-3 % a year.
As much as 40 % of 40-year-old and 50 % of 50-year-old men have erectile dysfunctions occasionally or chronically. Th
is diagnosed syndrome has a new name: Testicle varicose vein, which too, is a sitting disorder.
Significantly less testosterone is produced in men all over the world now than decades ago. The decline is roughly the same as with the semen quality.
Testosterone (T), is a vital masculine hormone, of which 75 % is manufactured in the testicles. It helps to maintain the muscles, sex drive, erection health, and masculine characteristics like determination and firmness. T is important for blood sugar, and fat, and carbon hydrate metabolism. Lack of T increases diabetes/ blood sugar imbalance, stomach obesity, muscle and even memory loss.
Prostate overgrowth (almost all, who are past 60 years of age, have it) causes an uncomfortable nuisance of frequent toileting and is often the pathway to prostate cancer. Prostate cancer (every sixth man gets it) strikes fear into middle-aged men. Ailments are often kept secret because of their private and awkward nature. Fortunately, the topic of internal pelvic and genital health is becoming more known by both men and women. These problems are not invincible, and men can reduce these risks by smart choices. The superior one is to eliminate the internal pelvic pressure by sitting on a seat that has a gap in the middle. Loose and cool trousers also eliminate the build-up of extra pressure. “Summertime” vitamin D-level (= min 120 nmol/liter) is necessary for good prostate health and for good immunity in general.
Our modern way of life is disastrous to genital health. For millions of years, the male genitalia enjoyed a free and cool environment without pressure and hot clothes, with a lot of movement, ventilation, and active blood and lymph circulation.
Modern tight clothing trends, prolonged times in sitting, increased upper body weight, overall poor nutrition, and the condition of the circulatory system, all reduce necessary and healthy metabolism in the genitals.
By following the instructions below, you can significantly reduce the risks and improve your genital health.
Modern trousers are usually too tight and dense and become much tighter when you sit down. Clothing designers have not been paying attention to the needs of male anatomy and physiology. The penis and testicles are designed to be free, cool, hanging, and moving with the rhythm of the thigh movements in walking. This is logically important to genital health. The healthiest thing is to be at home nude or wear a minimum amount of cool clothing.
Trousers´ seams get tighter when sitting down traditionally. This pressure disturbs nerve functions and the sensitive but vital circulation into the genitalia. Underwear increases the pressure too, plus the temperature is well over the optimum +33°C. In sitting the genitals descend between the thighs (instead of naturally healthy hanging and moving in front) which increases the pressure, temperature, and immobility. To prevent all this, men should use loose underwear (boxer shorts) loose pants, divided saddle chair, and stand a lot.
The best would be to live without underwear at all. Men have no practical purpose for underwear except for hygiene. A very healthy hygiene habit is to wash the anal area after toileting. After experimenting health-oriented men at least will be thrilled by the clean, loose, airy, and comfortable underwear-free feeling. After a short adaptation period, there is no feeling of cold either because the genitals are abundant in blood circulation.
One cause (there are others too) of deterioration of the sperm is the rise of the temperature of the testicles up to +37°C because of using ordinary underwear and trousers. The optimal physiological temperature for the testes is 33°C. The testes have four separate mechanisms trying to keep this normal and healthy temperature. Normal clothing and sitting habits eliminate them all.
Good nutrition keeps all vessels flexible, and plaque-free, and liquids running fluently. High hemoglobin (thick blood) and high cholesterol levels also weaken the circulation into the genitalia. Junk food and processed food are the worst.
A diet rich in fiber (about 100 g/day), cold-pressed Omega-3 oils, vegetables, berries, fruit, and whole grain products are beneficial. Natural compounds that support erectile functions can be found in nuts, pollen, and seeds. Tomato and cabbages are known to prevent prostate problems. Green tea and pomegranate prevent prostate cancer.
Hormone researchers have found out that chemical residue from the fields (herbicides and pesticides) alone, or in conjunction with compounds of certain plastics (phthalates, DPA), may cause hormonal imbalance (disturbed production of testosterone) in males as early as in the fetal stage. This is also found to be one reason behind the reduced quality of sperm and testicular diseases. Smart men store their food in ceramic cans and eat organic food. Also, the use of cosmetics or any chemicals during pregnancy increases the risks of hormone disruption in fetuses.
There are several so-called superfoods, some of which have been proven to increase one’s libido. These are, for example, dark chocolate, pollen, ashwagandha, goji berries, maca, and some other tropical fruit and berries.
Good and healthy food with fiber content higher than 50 g/day, results in better intestine activity, which in turn, keeps the diameter of the rectum smaller. An enlarged rectum from lack of fiber presses the bladder and the prostate, thus increasing known health risks. In such conditions, the inner surface (epidermis) of the rectum and colon are also often damaged which means leaking of toxic biochemicals from the intestine into the tissues outside.
Nutrition supplements
Modern common nutrition is unavoidably insufficient since most of the food comes from depleted fields or artificial and poor growing environments (greenhouses). The normal daily intake of nutrients from food is generally well under the optimum (the minimum or “recommended” levels are a completely different matter).
An optimum nutrition level is very helpful. One can achieve that by taking a broad-spectrum multivitamin and mineral capsule twice a day. Men should have their vitamin D level over 120–150 nmol/l (need to take 100–150 mcg /day), and take vitamin E at least 50 mg, vitamin C 3 x 1 g, magnesium (Mg) 600 mg, zinc (Zn) 15 mg, copper 1-2 mg, selenium (Se) 200 mcg, and strong multi-B vitamins including 1 mg of B12 to be melted in the mouth.
On days when one is not eating fish, it is wise to take 3-4 g Omega-3 in fish oil capsules. In the long run, this will keep the heart, brain, joints, veins, and arteries in better condition all over the body and prevent several problems and inflammation.
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) from Brazilian rain forests and Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides = virility tree) are known to be good for erectile problems, and liquid shark fin extract is known to have a preventive effect on prostate cancer.
Supplement critics should think about why all breeding stallions (and other livestock as well) are given a fair vitamin-mineral portion every day. The normal food is just not good enough.
We sit on top of the vessels that lead to the genitals, which surely is not good for circulation or nerve functions. You can shut down a vein from the back of your hand by pressing it very slightly. The total weight of the whole upper body easily closes a large number of vessels, preventing circulation in the thighs, buttocks, pelvic floor, and genitals. Also, the nerve functions are disturbed.
A good chair supports the upper body by the bones, not by the soft tissues. The back portion of the male pubic bone is directly under the hip. To prevent this bone from shutting down the main arteries and nerves of the genitals, men tilt their hip back unconsciously, which results in the lumbar vertebrae being in a harmful position as the lower back is rounded, not curved as it should be.
When sitting on a regular padded chair, the padding causes pressure on the soft tissues on the pelvic opening. This creates a pressure field inside the body in the so-called “pelvic bowl”, which is part of the abdominal cavity. If this continues for a long time (as it does with people doing sedentary work), this pressure, increased temperature, and the loss of circulation, will stress the organs inside the pelvis (bladder, prostate, colon, and rectum) and predispose them to several illnesses, such as cancer, inflammation etc. Almost half of all cancers among men are those in the pelvic bowl.
In addition, every time we sit, our trousers tighten up in the thighs, buttocks, groin, and genitals, which disturbs both the blood circulation and the very sensitive lymphatic system.
Using divided saddle chair, not having underwear, keeping cooler clothes, and reducing sitting are good ways to improve circulation and pelvic health. Watching TV by lying down, reduce the risky pressure on the pelvic floor.
Sitting conventionally also makes one slouch which in turn puts pressure on the intestine. This position makes the stomach muscles more passive. All this causes the flow of food to slow down and pack in the lower part of the colon. The diameter of the colon increases because of the increased internal pressure, and causes diverticulosis (= dangerous “pockets” in the colon wall). Thicker colon and rectum press the prostate and bladder.
Poorly working colon can “leak” out toxic chemicals, which naturally irritate all organs nearby even more. A dense network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes around the intestine is designed to clean off all harmful biochemicals from the abdominal cavity and the pelvic bowl.
The divided, i.e. two-part, saddle chair is the best option so far for the metabolism of the genitals and internal pelvic organs. Circulation increases even more when one stands up and leaves the desk now and again, and talks on the phone while standing or walking, preferably by using a headset. It is safest to keep the radiation-emitting cell phone on a desk away from you, and certainly not on the belt next to the genitals.

Sitting pressure in the pelvis
In the picture below harmful sitting pressure is indicated by the colors green, yellow and red – red being the highest amount of pressure.
Harmful pressure everywhere (on the left), harmful pressure on genitals (on the middle) and pressure safely only on sit bones (on the right)
Moving and Exercise
All sort of moving revives the circulation, also in the genitals. In sitting jobs standing 10–30 % of the office working time, in 15–20 min is ok. Cartilages in joints degenerate in long-term standing. More motion one can get with the chair in “sit and swing” and “roll and reach” motions. Phone calls should be done walking as often as possible.
Always swim nude when possible. There are always stairs to take or places to walk to, things to carry, yards to clean up, and housework to do manually. Learn to recognize and utilize every little possibility for exercise or move. When doing yard work, do the chores manually with good tools. When doing it, breathe rhythmically as in exercising.
It is very useful for men to train their pelvic floor muscles and simultaneously the muscle that is around the “root of the penis” = the lowest part of the penis. The pudendal nerve that controls the pelvic floor also controls the penis. This means that conscious and strong muscle
Men´s pelvic, hormonal, genital, and internal pelvic health is declining fast worldwide.
There are severe environmental and lifestyle changes that are causing this.
The declines are seen in areas that concern reproductive, sexual, internal organ, body composite, glucose, action energy, body lipid, and mental health.
All these harmful effects and degenerations can be largely avoided by optimizing sitting ergonomics, as well as exercise/moving, clothing, nutrition, smoking, drinking, resting and medicating habits, and avoiding certain toxins and harmful chemicals.
Below is a list of actions how one can maintain pelvic health and healthy manhood.
The decline in live semen quantity is about 60 % in European men during the last 40 years. Poor genital health seems to have become a major and worsening epidemic around the world. The sperm count drops 1-3 % a year.
As much as 40 % of 40-year-old and 50 % of 50-year-old men have erectile dysfunctions occasionally or chronically. This diagnosed syndrome has a new name: Testicle varicose vein, which too, is a sitting disorder.
Significantly less testosterone is produced in men all over the world now than decades ago. The decline is roughly the same as with the semen quality.
Testosterone (T), is a vital masculine hormone, of which 75 % is manufactured in the testicles. It helps to maintain the muscles, sex drive, erection health, and masculine characteristics like determination and firmness. T is important for blood sugar, and fat, and carbon hydrate metabolism. Lack of T increases diabetes/ blood sugar imbalance, stomach obesity, muscle and even memory loss.
Prostate overgrowth (almost all, who are past 60 years of age, have it) causes an uncomfortable nuisance of frequent toileting and is often the pathway to prostate cancer. Prostate cancer (every sixth man gets it) strikes fear into middle-aged men. Ailments are often kept secret because of their private and awkward nature. Fortunately, the topic of internal pelvic and genital health is becoming more known by both men and women. These problems are not invincible, and men can reduce these risks by smart choices. The superior one is to eliminate the internal pelvic pressure by sitting on a seat that has a gap in the middle. Loose and cool trousers also eliminate the build-up of extra pressure. “Summertime” vitamin D-level (= min 120 nmol/liter) is necessary for good prostate health and for good immunity in general.
Our modern way of life is disastrous to genital health. For millions of years, the male genitalia enjoyed a free and cool environment without pressure and hot clothes, with a lot of movement, ventilation, and active blood and lymph circulation.
Modern tight clothing trends, prolonged times in sitting, increased upper body weight, overall poor nutrition, and the condition of the circulatory system, all reduce necessary and healthy metabolism in the genitals.
By following the instructions below, you can significantly reduce the risks and improve your genital health.
Modern trousers are usually too tight and dense and become much tighter when you sit down. Clothing designers have not been paying attention to the needs of male anatomy and physiology. The penis and testicles are designed to be free, cool, hanging, and moving with the rhythm of the thigh movements in walking. This is logically important to genital health. The healthiest thing is to be at home nude or wear a minimum amount of cool clothing.
Trousers´ seams get tighter when sitting down traditionally. This pressure disturbs nerve functions and the sensitive but vital circulation into the genitalia. Underwear increases the pressure too, plus the temperature is well over the optimum +33°C. In sitting the genitals descend between the thighs (instead of naturally healthy hanging and moving in front) which increases the pressure, temperature, and immobility. To prevent all this, men should use loose underwear (boxer shorts) loose pants, divided saddle chair, and stand a lot.
The best would be to live without underwear at all. Men have no practical purpose for underwear except for hygiene. A very healthy hygiene habit is to wash the anal area after toileting. After experimenting health-oriented men at least will be thrilled by the clean, loose, airy, and comfortable underwear-free feeling. After a short adaptation period, there is no feeling of cold either because the genitals are abundant in blood circulation.
One cause (there are others too) of deterioration of the sperm is the rise of the temperature of the testicles up to +37°C because of using ordinary underwear and trousers. The optimal physiological temperature for the testes is 33°C. The testes have four separate mechanisms trying to keep this normal and healthy temperature. Normal clothing and sitting habits eliminate them all.
Good nutrition keeps all vessels flexible, and plaque-free, and liquids running fluently. High hemoglobin (thick blood) and high cholesterol levels also weaken the circulation into the genitalia. Junk food and processed food are the worst.
A diet rich in fiber (about 100 g/day), cold-pressed Omega-3 oils, vegetables, berries, fruit, and whole grain products are beneficial. Natural compounds that support erectile functions can be found in nuts, pollen, and seeds. Tomato and cabbages are known to prevent prostate problems. Green tea and pomegranate prevent prostate cancer.
Hormone researchers have found out that chemical residue from the fields (herbicides and pesticides) alone, or in conjunction with compounds of certain plastics (phthalates, DPA), may cause hormonal imbalance (disturbed production of testosterone) in males as early as in the fetal stage. This is also found to be one reason behind the reduced quality of sperm and testicular diseases. Smart men store their food in ceramic cans and eat organic food. Also, the use of cosmetics or any chemicals during pregnancy increases the risks of hormone disruption in fetuses.
There are several so-called superfoods, some of which have been proven to increase one’s libido. These are, for example, dark chocolate, pollen, ashwagandha, goji berries, maca, and some other tropical fruit and berries.
Good and healthy food with fiber content higher than 50 g/day, results in better intestine activity, which in turn, keeps the diameter of the rectum smaller. An enlarged rectum from lack of fiber presses the bladder and the prostate, thus increasing known health risks. In such conditions, the inner surface (epidermis) of the rectum and colon are also often damaged which means leaking of toxic biochemicals from the intestine into the tissues outside.
Nutrition supplements
Modern common nutrition is unavoidably insufficient since most of the food comes from depleted fields or artificial and poor growing environments (greenhouses). The normal daily intake of nutrients from food is generally well under the optimum (the minimum or “recommended” levels are a completely different matter).
An optimum nutrition level is very helpful. One can achieve that by taking a broad-spectrum multivitamin and mineral capsule twice a day. Men should have their vitamin D level over 120–150 nmol/l (need to take 100–150 mcg /day), and take vitamin E at least 50 mg, vitamin C 3 x 1 g, magnesium (Mg) 600 mg, zinc (Zn) 15 mg, copper 1-2 mg, selenium (Se) 200 mcg, and strong multi-B vitamins including 1 mg of B12 to be melted in the mouth.
On days when one is not eating fish, it is wise to take 3-4 g Omega-3 in fish oil capsules. In the long run, this will keep the heart, brain, joints, veins, and arteries in better condition all over the body and prevent several problems and inflammation.
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) from Brazilian rain forests and Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides = virility tree) are known to be good for erectile problems, and liquid shark fin extract is known to have a preventive effect on prostate cancer.
Supplement critics should think about why all breeding stallions (and other livestock as well) are given a fair vitamin-mineral portion every day. The normal food is just not good enough.
We sit on top of the vessels that lead to the genitals, which surely is not good for circulation or nerve functions. You can shut down a vein from the back of your hand by pressing it very slightly. The total weight of the whole upper body easily closes a large number of vessels, preventing circulation in the thighs, buttocks, pelvic floor, and genitals. Also, the nerve functions are disturbed.
A good chair supports the upper body by the bones, not by the soft tissues. The back portion of the male pubic bone is directly under the hip. To prevent this bone from shutting down the main arteries and nerves of the genitals, men tilt their hip back unconsciously, which results in the lumbar vertebrae being in a harmful position as the lower back is rounded, not curved as it should be.
When sitting on a regular padded chair, the padding causes pressure on the soft tissues on the pelvic opening. This creates a pressure field inside the body in the so-called “pelvic bowl”, which is part of the abdominal cavity. If this continues for a long time (as it does with people doing sedentary work), this pressure, increased temperature, and the loss of circulation, will stress the organs inside the pelvis (bladder, prostate, colon, and rectum) and predispose them to several illnesses, such as cancer, inflammation etc. Almost half of all cancers among men are those in the pelvic bowl.
In addition, every time we sit, our trousers tighten up in the thighs, buttocks, groin, and genitals, which disturbs both the blood circulation and the very sensitive lymphatic system.
Using divided saddle chair, not having underwear, keeping cooler clothes, and reducing sitting are good ways to improve circulation and pelvic health. Watching TV by lying down, reduce the risky pressure on the pelvic floor.
Sitting conventionally also makes one slouch which in turn puts pressure on the intestine. This position makes the stomach muscles more passive. All this causes the flow of food to slow down and pack in the lower part of the colon. The diameter of the colon increases because of the increased internal pressure, and causes diverticulosis (= dangerous “pockets” in the colon wall). Thicker colon and rectum press the prostate and bladder.oorly working colon can “leak” out toxic chemicals, which naturally irritate all organs nearby even more. A dense network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes around the intestine is designed to clean off all harmful biochemicals from the abdominal cavity and the pelvic bowl.
The divided, i.e. two-part, saddle chair is the best option so far for the metabolism of the genitals and internal pelvic organs. Circulation increases even more when one stands up and leaves the desk now and again, and talks on the phone while standing or walking, preferably by using a headset. It is safest to keep the radiation-emitting cell phone on a desk away from you, and certainly not on the belt next to the genitals.
Moving and Exercise
All sort of moving revives the circulation, also in the genitals. In sitting jobs standing 10–30 % of the office working time, in 15–20 min is ok. Cartilages in joints degenerate in long-term standing. More motion one can get with the chair in “sit and swing” and “roll and reach” motions. Phone calls should be done walking as often as possible.
Always swim nude when possible. There are always stairs to take or places to walk to, things to carry, yards to clean up, and housework to do manually. Learn to recognize and utilize every little possibility for exercise or move. When doing yard work, do the chores manually with good tools. When doing it, breathe rhythmically as in exercising.
It is very useful for men to train their pelvic floor muscles and simultaneously the muscle that is around the “root of the penis” = the lowest part of the penis. The pudendal nerve that controls the pelvic floor also controls the penis. This means that conscious and strong muscle contraction in the pelvic floor also contracts the muscles in the penis. This tension (5–7 seconds at the time, 10–20 times in each training session) will enforce the muscles, increase circulation, and improve nerve functions like muscle exercises normally do. This is beneficial to the operation and health of the rectum and enforces the capacity for better and stronger erection. During erection men also produce more testosterone. A man gets combined and even stronger benefits (testosterone, stronger pelvic floor muscles, and better circulation/erection) when doing pelvic floor exercises during erection.
Bicycling (or dressage riding or sitting on undivided saddle chairs) is highly NOT recommended for men if the saddle is putting ANY pressure on the “root of the penis” as they usually are. Unfortunately, bicycle saddles always cause pressure on the penis. If one has any problems with erection, it’s smart not to bicycle. It is helpful to adjust the saddle “nose” sloping slightly down to eliminate the pressure on the root of the penis.
Stress and alcohol weaken the erection fast. Many medicines have similar side effects.
Smoking shrinks the arteries and veins, also in the genitals.
The effects of bad lifestyle decisions increase as we age. It is important to be aware of the fact that the vitality of the genitalia cannot be improved in just a few days, which means one should start taking care of the matter already in youth. Uncertainty about one’s erection will debilitate it even more. If caught in the cycle of using medication to treat erectile dysfunctions, a man’s self-respect may crumble and the addiction to the drug becomes evestronger.
The connection between mental balance and health is under-acknowledged but significant. There are many ways of improving genital and sexual health, but one of the most important ones is a supportive, warm, uninhibited, open, approving, and sexually active relationship that is not based on love-making skills only, but also on warm friendship.
Being overweight seems to have a strong connection with declining testosterone levels through several mechanisms. Adopting a slim way of life with LCHD (Low Carbone Hydrate Diet) is the best way to deal with this.
Several pharmaceutical medicines have been proven to decline testosterone, maybe the sperm quality as well. It’s smart to take medications as carefully as possible and avoid them unless quite necessary. It’s also smart to find out about the testosterone side effects from various sources before eating any.
Veli-Jussi Jalkanen
Sitting and preventive
health expert