Stress loads down people and decreases motivation, output, and productivity and makes the working atmosphere tense and irritable. This all means of course lower quality of life and poorer economy. Good productivity is always also good economy which is easy to prove with calculations.


The traditions even in Scandinavia, not to mention the developing countries, neglect work safety and ergonomics. This is done because of multiple and complex reasons. There is an illusion that replacing a person is cheaper than continuity and experience or developing the work environment. Also, there is an overall rush, and inability to calculate the real cost of poor conditions and not knowing the huge potential of optimum work conditions to the productivity.


The project Salli Co is to develop, organize and trim office “laboratories” where multiple stress reducing factors will be implemented, tested and continuously developed. The change will be monitored and measured by university students who should also write theses about this project.


When positive results are gained, media will be informed in detail. Because of the subject, large interest is guaranteed. Good results may also change the general attitudes of perhaps millions of people in offices.


The project needs to be carried out as thoroughly and carefully as possible. Otherwise the results shall remain poor and the outcome convinces nobody. It may even work against its original goals and pessimism against work environment development may even get stronger. Below is a list of effective actions that may prevent stress from growing and help work efficiency and productive increase:


  1. People sit only on swinging divided saddle chairs that have the middle gap and use automatically height-adjusted tables.
  2. Those who have become “allergic to sitting, are working in a round pool, where coloured water reaches to the waistline, leaving the arms dry. Water carries a big part of the body weight meaning the the sitting (saddle stools in the liquid) or standing, is much easier.

In the warm water there is continuous slow turbulence to activate lymphatic circulation. The nutrients in the (coloured) water can be adjusted and thus feed the bodies in it. Doe to the coloured water no clothes are necessarily needed below the waste line.

  1. The monitors (3 in each work space) are of high quality and have an easy distance adjustment (Salli´s AutoSmart Table technology)
  2. The work tables adjust themselves automatically between optimum adjustments for reading and typing. Standing height adjustments are just one click away. This technology already exists in the AutoSmart Table concept.
  3. There is a flexible standing board and foot lift support available under each table
  4. Noise is reduced to a very low level or the air is filled with very soft high-quality nature sounds or music or this can be attained trough wireless head phones.
  5. The working area lights are optimized by the quality (solar spectrum) and quantity (the bright light effect) so that in the afternoon when we need more energy, the light is stronger. This self-altering technology is already available.
  6. The air in the working space is optimized (ions, humidity, temperature, cleanness, draft)
  7. There are a lot of green plants in the office with known health effects (vegetation air). One special air cleaning plant (Chlorophylum comossum) is rooted in a large barrel (min 150 litres) with live organic soil that ventilates soil bacteria into the office air though a vertical ventilation tube (70 mm field draining tube) through the soil; there are holes in the tube all the way.
  8. People are encouraged to become aware of the numerous health problems of the existing clothing culture and make smart and healthy choices. Clothes are especially designed and optimized for sitting. Materials are organic cotton or other organic fibre. Temperature is nicely warm which allows one to wear the minimum amount of clothes, and favour short sleeves in skirts and trousers for optimum skin health. and truly loose pant and underwear (which leave no marks on the skin).
    Shorts and wintertime overalls have the two-seam genital area design, at least for men.

Suggested clothes for women are dresses that are wide enough for saddle sitting, or truly loose / non-pressing leggings or a loose skirt. Working without a bra is recommended. Women can also have an overall for super comfort.

Men are suggested to have an overall as well or slack shorts or even long pants with the two-seam genital area design. Shirts or T-shirts are sleeveless. Shaving one’s armpits is recommended.

Everybody uses high-quality grounding sandals or stay part of the day barefoot enjoying the gravel foot massage.

In the office there is a changing room for changing into and out of “town clothes”, if someone needs those.

  1. The chairs are ESD (conduct electricity) technology, on a grounding carpet, to ground the person and suck from the ground free electrons that work like antioxidants in the body.
  2. Earth radiation is eliminated in the office by grounding the office in case of need with 2 mm copper wire, either surrounding the room inside or outside with the wire and connecting it to the grounding heads in the wall socket.
  3. People use reflexological sandals and part of the floor can be covered with carefully chosen coarse natural sand grains (grain size about 3 – 5 mm) for comfortable and energizing reflexological effect.
  4. There are omega 3 oil products (nuts, seeds seeds and cold fish) berries, antioxidant / vitamin pills, organic vegetables, coconut butter and flakes, fruits, and added sugar free fibre snacks available and people are informed about the potential of those items to their health. The drinking water is treated with Grander system and magnetised (led trough magnet field that releases the mater molecules from one another and makes it more absorbable.
  5. There is a gym corner for some muscle training devices where people can walk during phone calls and do slow intensity power/circulation training during calls to elevate their brain activity and power of thinking. A 30 cm stepper block next to the table is a must.
  6. There is an audio-acoustic chair available for relaxation with Bemer technology and magnet field therapy.
  7. The walls are built with special acoustic materials so that the noise level is very low.
  8. In this office there is also a corner with four double size sack stools for a nap, massage or relaxed talks while lying down.
  9. There is one Stokke Gravity chair for day naps with well covering ear phones.
  10. Preferably there is also a veranda (or top of the roof) and get some sun and light for cheering themselves up, and vitamin D on sunny days. There are also some green plants in gardening pots in the veranda.
  11. The electrical pollution is minimized with e-proof walls and keeping gadgets connected with wire rather than blue tooth.
  12. Office toilet has a handy bide shower for butt washing, so that people can work without underwear and disturbing the pelvic circulation and raise of temperature and humidity.
  13. ITC technology is top quality with super low power consumption and radiation.
  14. There is also a culture where people can be relaxed be open and straight forward in a friendly way and  to touch and be touched, hug or massage each other, shoulders, palms, legs etc.
  15. The management and interaction culture is open, supportive, encouraging, equal, and democratic, and introduces the tools of goal setting and self-auditing
  16. An IMPORTANT AND DEMANDING process is to learn to use all these super developed facilities and technologies in an optimum way. Lots of hints, trials and experiments are needed during several months before all the productivity and wellbeing starts to approach is peak.


Tendency to get tired in the LoStHipeFutO is minimal.
The use of all these actions together shall lift the productivity to a totally new and unseen level and thus this kind of finished super office environment is highly comfortable and profitable work place.


Veli-Jussi Jalkanen

Sitting environment specialist