veli-Jussi Jalkanen, preventive health specialist |
Practical and efficient tool for better mood and mental health, collected and selected by Vessi |
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Depression or melancholy, ADHD, Parkinson, Alzheimer, dementia, stress, hormonal imbalance, skitsofrenia, addictions etc. disorders bother most |
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MH (mental health) is a key sector of health, that can be easily improved with awereness, conscious and selected lifestyle and prevention choices |
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Nr 1 enemy for MH maybe stress. Heavy, long excessive stress causes poorer MH surely. Stress comes from innumerous mental and physical sources. |
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Our stoneage “hunter – gatherer” – brain and mind have hard job trying to cope with the noicy, bysy and complicated modern life full of interruptions |
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Many of us have bad MH because of one, some or serious traumas from childhood. In many cases professional therapy would be helpfull. |
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Brain and psyche can handle traumas much better if the person is leading healthy life. Good MH healing/preventing measures support each other. |
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Main stress hormones are adrenalin and cortisol. Good mood or “happyness” hormones are oksitosin, serotonin, dobamin and endorfins. |
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In the life of good MH, the proportion of happy hormones is high compared to the the stress hormones. |
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Tho whole body is a complex in interactions. All imbalances in soma effect also into the balans of psyche. Good overall health supports well also MH. |
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The medical treatment of the MH has numerous risks, side effects and short comings (including addiction) and is seldom a good choise in the long run |
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The brain biochemistry balans is very sensitive. When this balance is disturbed by any reason/s, person is bound to be depressed or have MH problems. |
Use this program patiently with cosideration and grow in better self awareness about your MH. Changes after the start for better may appear soon |
Cross existing habits of yours in the column “Now” and then add some in “New”. When you notice |
Effect |
improvement in your mental well beeing, cross and execute gradually more and more measures. |
Now |
New |
1 -3 |
List of GOOD MH habits |
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1 |
Manage good sleep to yourself |
sleep is the most important variable in the MH. Study/execute the “Happy Sleep Home”-program |
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Have some close social friends |
you get “therapetic impact” when you talk about your serious personal matters too to someone |
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Make choises for good brain health |
good MH requires also good brain health. See the “Happy Brain Home” – brain health program |
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Have real life too besides working |
learn this: work is important but real life is elsewhere. Lead “double life”: work life and private life |
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Learn to be grateful and thankful |
thanking changes the atmosphere for better in life. Hatered, negative feelings fade away |
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Limit your SOME time |
Long times in SOME produce depression. Active posting in SOME is better for MH than passive |
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Seek moments of laughter + humour |
laughter with friends, funny films etc. Genuine joy and laughter is a good healer of MH |
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Have good sauna regurlarly / often |
Sauna relaxes and produces healthy hormones etc metabolic changes. Cold dips enforce the effect |
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Minimize stressy entertainment |
improve your mental health by shutting down any stressy entertainment in any media |
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Avoid bad air pollution area |
Bad quality air, dim and smoggy sky cause poor physical but also MH |
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Mainatin good iron levels |
Poor Hb and / or s-ferritin (storage iron) levels can cause poor MH, low energy, poor sleep, depression |
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Decrease the interruptions |
ITC messaging interrupt, after each of them it takes 1-25 min. to get “back” and concentrate |
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Keep your thyroid glans healthy |
THS, T4, rT3, T3 hormone imbalans effects on MH. Se, I, Zn, Cu, Mg, vit. D, stress + gut health too |
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Balance your menopause hormones |
menopause can be a major risk for your mental health if imbalance is bad. There`re ways to balance it |
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Do voluntary or charity work |
helping others brings good mood and more meaning into the life, both improve MH |
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Inhale peacefully through the nose |
this habit alone along the days takes down stress hormones and blood pressure |
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Have regular sex life |
have your way for regular sex habits what you feel like needing. This is important to hormone health |
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Have a habit of some hand work |
some handwork you can do quietly and slowly, like meditating in silence, good impact for MH |
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Meet friends by interacting truthfully |
meeting friends with warmth ususally gives good mood, but serious talk about realities also needed |
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Have a relaxing hobby |
any hobby where you feel like relaxing improves MH |
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Avoid noice as much as possible |
noice increases the pulse, keeps the body is in the state of alarm, which increases stress |
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Find spirituality and meaning of life |
people with spiritual conviction / relationship with God have better mental health on average |
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Spend time ourdoors at noon in light |
quiet nature (even park or beach or quiet street with trees) relaxes in many ways |
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Touch your friends, massage others |
touching brings up “happy hormones”. Promote respectful, genuine and peaceful touching culture |
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Avoid stressing dept |
Take only easily managable loans. Buy rather with money than dept. Consume max as you earn |
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Avoid following stressful news |
news media produces mainly bad news, decide how much you accept to be manipulated by them |
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Enjoy of your strenghts and skills |
be pleased what you can do and achive, be happy from all seccesful actions, also small ones |
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Have a house pet |
pets take down the stress, studies show. One needs to have time with the pet to make this work |
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Read interesting books |
books open world of imgination where you can adventure without stress, just positive enthusiasm |
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Get a psychodelic exprience |
such experince with a therapist can be a game changer in your MH |
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Keep order at home / work |
“order at the table, order in the brain”. Mess increases stress, for sure |
Healthy Foods for the Mind |
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Limit alcohol to max 1 glass a day |
small amount of alcohol relaxes, if you take more, it wrecks your health in many ways |
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Eat brain healthy foods |
these are with high Omega3: fish, nuts, seeds, eggs but also vegies like berries, vegetables, fruit |
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Have good quality protein |
you need 1-1.5 g of protein / 1 kg of lean weight for good MH |
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Eat lots of fiber |
we get 10-15 g, but need 50 – 100. Gut bakteria makes “happy hormone”serotonin from fibre |
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Eat lots of good fats |
2/3 of brain dry matter is Omega3 fats, you need 2-4 g daily to replace. Look “Happy Brain Home” |
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Prepare fish/ protein in low temp. |
120 C or lower in cookong keeps protein and Omega fats sound, nor produce cancer chemicals |
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Use glass-, stone china kitchen ware |
remove plastics from the kitchen. Palstics releases molecules with bad impact on our hormones |
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Keep slim |
over weight, high blood sugar and obesity increases mental problems seriously and strongly |
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Excercise intermitted fasting |
steching time between meals (dinner – > brakfast ) over 13, up to 16 hours is good MH |
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Use medical mushrooms regurlarly |
some medical mushrooms have good MH impacts, study the subject |
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Eat probiotics often |
suer grout, natural yoghurt, natto etc. Have lots of MH imprving properties through gut microbiome |
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Adopt ketogenic diet |
low carbs with lots of good fats, vegetables and fibre keeps the blood suger steady, good for MH |
Supplements, Medical Plants |
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Use good Peace of Mind – spices |
hyssop, ginger,caraway, lavender, pepper, organo, tarragon,saffron, sage, celery, lemon balm |
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More good MH spices |
lemon grass, vanilla. |
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Use good Brain health spices/ herbs |
Ashwagandha, Cannabis sativa, turmeric, lemon balm, ginger, hyssop, olive, capsicum, rosemary |
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Use healthy mind medical herbs |
together about 30 of them. Hypericum perforatum may be the strongest. Pick yourself. |
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Take brain healthy supplements |
there are number of brain health nutrients, often short in normal diet. See “Happy Brain Home” |
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Omega 3 |
this essential fat is in the fish and seafood, small come from proteins +cold pressed vegetable oils |
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Taking memory important vit. B´s |
B12 1 mg, B6 20 mg, B9 = foolic acid help you to avoid memory degeneration after 40 yars of age |
Excercises / moving |
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Build your muscles for hormones |
the older you are, the more important for your MH is a good muscle mass in the body |
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Walk in the forest /nature, out doors |
walk anywhere outdoors, rather in quiet natural forest with varying landscapes |
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Walk stairs |
walk 2 stairs at the time, this is efficient, grows muscles and is a fast way to excercise |
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Danzing is excellent |
danzing stimulates your brain, body, hormones and emotions on many levels, super MH remedy |
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Learn to do cold exposure |
cold dipping between the sauna heat sessions is very good good stimulation and relaxation |
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Have a habit of gardening |
gardeners live longer and happier. Grow herbs that are good for MH |
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Go to sport with your children |
children can make us relax and forget stress, if we truly reserve time for it and be patient |
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Walk with the pet |
your dog can take you out to move |
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Learn moving lifestyle |
excercise is very important and usefull for good MH |
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Have massage regurlarly |
in touching both parties get good hormones, make it a habit and learn yourself to massage too |
NO NO!! Don´t do this, its harmfull for mental health. |
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Avoid sugar |
eat max 20 g a day, better no added sugar at all, high sugar in very bad for MH |
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Minimize bluetooth /microwave |
all day exposure is bad, esp. for children, use cables, minize time, sleep with phone in flight mode |
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Avoid narcotic drugs |
with narcotic drugs their is little hope or change for good in MH |
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Avoid polluted water |
polluted water with bad bakteria in it has been found to proce mental problems |
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Minimize your chemical contacts |
chemicals and mixed exposure of them, even through skin in cosmetics, is risk for MH |
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Too low cholesterol is a risk to MH |
total cholesterol 4, and HDL 1 are the lowest good values for MH |
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Refuse to be manipulated |
your family memeber, boss, friend etc. may want to influence to you indirectly, refuse to obey |
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Do not stress for other people |
by stressing for others you cannot help but wear down yourself, still be empathetic and help |
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Don´t cosume trash entertainment |
this stimulates nerves in late night +destroys your sleep and peace of mind. Have self discipipline |
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Do not worry about the world |
there is nothing you can help by worrying |
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Do not worry about your children |
there is nothing you can help by worrying |
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Stay off from bad, negative people |
first learn to spot them, then keep distance who ever they are |
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Stay away from psychopaths |
psychopaths don´t “learn”, have no sympathy, do not care about others and make most unhappy |
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avoid very stressy job or situations |
too demanding job increses stress and can destroy your MH |
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Don´t allow poor sleeping habits |
go to bed before 23 and sleep well 7-8 hours is a base for good MH. |
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Avoid bad fats |
omega6 fats (normal restaurant oils) cause inflammation in gut + depression + weight gain |
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Avoid mind harming medication |
25 % of all drugs damage mikrobiota and many effect negatively on MH |
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Avoid grugs and heavy drinking |
all narcotics and lots/ regular alcohol worsen sleep and mental health, radically |